Personal Travellers
Our laws require everyone arriving into Fiji from overseas to declare all biosecurity risk goods including food, plant, plant products, used material, and animal products to our Biosecurity officers at our borders. These goods could harbor exotic weeds, pests and diseases that could damage and destroy our unique flora and fauna, our environment, devastate our agriculture, livestock industry and the tourism industry and health of our communities.
When arriving in Fiji you will be given a passenger arrival card which is a legal document required by law. It is important that you read and fill out this card carefully and truthfully. You must also state on this card any items that need to be declared.
There is a quick guide outlining general items that are restricted entry to Fiji. This guide does not provide a full list. For further clarification you can contact the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji on (679) 3312 512 or email at
On your journey to Fiji you may be shown an inflight video explaining biosecurity entry requirements.
When you declare items, your goods will be inspected. After inspection, Biosecurity officers would return you declared goods, if they are safe. However, some goods may require treatment and you are required to pay for this service. Any prohibited items will be destroyed immediately or re-exported to the country of origin under Biosecurity supervision at your own expense.
You need to dispose off any risk goods that you have not declared on your arrival card into amnesty bins provided.
Present your passenger arrival card to the Biosecurity officer for verification. All baggage is screened by x-ray or checked by Biosecurity officers for prohibited or regulated biosecurity items.
If any prohibited or declarable items are found in your baggage or possession which you have not declared on your passenger arrival card or disposed off in the Biosecurity amnesty bins provided, you will be spot fined $FJD 400. You are also liable for persecution with a maximum fine of up to $FJD20, 000 or face a maximum of six months imprisonment or both.
If you are in doubt, whether the goods you are carrying are considered biosecurity risk goods, please ask or seek advice from any of the Biosecurity officers based at our borders.
OR enquiries can be made on phone: (679) 3312512, 6720883/6725092 or e-mail
All food items brought into Fiji need to be declared. These items include:
• Meat
• Eggs
• Dairy products
• Dried mushrooms & fungi
• Honey and honey products
• Seeds for human consumption and processing into food
• Nuts, spices, herbs and un-popped popcorn
• Dried, cooked or preserved fruit and vegetables
• Fresh fruit or vegetables
Please note that most animal and animal products brought into Fiji require an import permit.
Refer to animal products for more information
Personal Consumption
For information on imports requirements on goods related to personal consumption please click here.
Plants and plant products
All plants and plant material must be declared. Examples of plants and plant products that must be declared include:
• Fresh or dried flowers
• Items made of bamboo, cane, rattan, coconut straw
• Items made of wood, e.g. drums, carvings, spears, masks, utensils or tools
• Corn and straw souvenirs, including items stuffed with seeds and straw
Animal and Animal products
Most animal and animal products require an import permit
Live animals
To bring in live animals into Fiji you need to apply for a permit to import live animals. Click here to access form for Application to Import Live Animals into Fiji.
Importation of live animals into Fiji will be on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji.
For specific information about bringing cats and dogs into Fiji – click to Bringing pets (cats and dogs) to Fiji.
Animal Products
Bringing in animal products into Fiji also requires an import permit. Click here to access form forApplication to Import Animal Products into Fiji.
Animal products include:
• All uncanned meat including fresh, dried, frozen, cooked, smoked, salted or preserved products from all animal species sausages, salami and sliced meats.
• Airline food including sandwiches containing meat
• Special diets (prescribed/religious/allergen free/lactose free etc)
• Fish (fresh/frozen/dried) and other seafood products
• Shells
• Animal skin or items made of animal skin
• Feathers
• Bones
• Wooden masks with animal fur or hair
• Eggs
• Honey and honey products
• Pet food – including canned products and rawhide chews
• Noodles
• Mayonnaise (linked to Desktop IRA and Offshore IRA)
Camping and Sporting Equipment
Camping and sporting equipment can also be carriers of pests and diseases. Hence it must be declared on your passenger arrival form. These include:
• Tents
• Used sporting/tracking boots/ tracking shoes/ tracking suits/gears
• Camping equipments
• Bicycle
• Golf clubs
• Fishing equipments such as rods, reels and nets etc.
Biological items and other goods
• Vaccines
• Culture
• Blood
• Live/dried or preserved insects or fungi
• Any other kind of biological specimens
• Equipment used with animals, fish or plants
• Bee-keeping equipment
• Saddle
• Any other kind of used equipment/planting products
• Soil,
• Rock
• Earth
• Mineral sample
• Tools used in farms